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Indie Spotlight: Gretchen SB “Hollownton Homicide”

This is the first Indie Spotlight. What this series will do, is introduce you to some indie authors, their books, and have a short Q & A that I had with them at the end. There are some fantastic authors out there that are just trying to get seen, and I want to give them that chance. I also want you, as my readers, to see there is more than just the bestsellers list.

So I am learning that there are diamonds in the rough out there in the self-publishing/indie world. One of those happens to live in my own backyard, Ms. Gretchen SB. Her book “Hollownton Homicide” follows King County PD Dectective Anthony Hollownton as he investigates a string of mysterious murders in the Seattle area. Do thing that go bump in the night frighten you and just how supersticious are you? Time to find out what lurks in Gretchen’s Seattle.



To start off I want to say if you love crime stories with a supernatural flair, this is one to pick up! I could not put this one down at all. It was completely worth it. The characters were well fleshed out, and you wanted to rally to their cause. You have the good guys that you want to see succeed and win the day. Then you have the bad guys that you want to see fail in their pursuits, and you want to know that they know it’s over. Anthony Hollownton is a great character, and he’s a cop with a code, which I like. He isn’t quick to agree to things, or to believe something. He wants proof before he starts accepting the world around him.

Gretchen’s writing has a great flow to it and I love it honestly. From the few newer/indie authors that I have read, the ones that write crime tend to be disjointed, or not give you enough detail to really get attached to the case or characters. Gretchen has absolutely no problem with this. Her characters and believable and ones you want to learn more about. It takes a lot of time and dedication to write like that, and when someone puts that in, it really shows.

I got to speak with Gretchen through email last week and ask her some questions not only about the book, but about writing.

Q: Hollownton Homicide is about the detective Anthony Hollownton and his life in KCPD. Was there something specific that drew you to this area and helped you create the character?
A: Anthony started out as a joke. A dear friend of mine that I have known for 16 years now was the basis for the character. I say “was” because Anthony is more based on my friend when I started writing the story about ten years ago then my friend now. We were talking and I made the joke that he should become a cop. He laughed and I started describing the scene from the book where he and Rick walk up to the first crime scene. When I stopped talking my friend asked me what would happen next. That was when I knew I had to write it down.
     As for this area. I base all my books in Washington State, mainly the Puget Sound because I love it here! I know eventually I will branch out but for now there is just so much to this area that I can’t help writing about.

Q: What was the process for creating the Nym and the Culeen? Was there a specific inspiration behind them?
A: In the original version of the story, before I revamped it, the Nym and Culeen were different then they are in the book, kinda, they were almost like ‘good’ and ‘evil’ which is mostly where their appearances come from. But as I was rewriting I found that idea made them too boring. So I tweaked them here and there until they became what they are now, rival species. As for the original idea, I think I saw what they looked like first, then built from there.

Q: You mentioned to me on twitter that you intend to have book 2 out by the end of the year, what is Anthony going to be facing this time?
A: That is the plan anyway! I am writing the second books to my other two series first. I know, such disheartening news! But I have a good writing train of thought going, which is why I am hopeful to have this book 2 done. Without giving too much away, Tony has kinda been left floundering with his new found knowledge. The Nym community isn’t talking and he has not caught any supernatural cases. Chris has disappeared. Rick is back but not the same person. He is convinced there was something strange about their last case and he is obsessing about it. The Nym forbade Tony to tell anyone anything. Se he is frustrated and alone when he gets a call about a weird case on Halloween. When he reaches the crime scene he starts thinking this may involve the Nym.

Q: Being an indie author is a lot harder than most realize in my opinion, how do you handle not only having to write, but edit, promote and publish on your own?
A: I don’t know if it’s harder, as I have never been at a big publishing house. But I am very impressed with anyone who makes a living as an Indie Author. It is a goal of mine. Currently I work a day job then write on nights and weekends, when I can fit it in. It means I write at a slower pace then I would like. As for editing, I hired book editors to edit each of my books. My grammar is terrible so I have to have someone else do it. The same goes for my last two covers. I do not have a lot of time to work on books so I want to spend as much of it writing as I can. Promoting is sadly not my strong suit. I do various social media, blog tours, Author book signings, and I have done Emerald City Comicon. Not everything works, but I just keep trying. Being Indie, it can be easy to get discouraged. You have to be determined at what you are doing.

Q: When you made the decision to start writing, what drew you to it, and inspired you?
A: I have been creating stories since before I could write. But I did not consider writing as a career until college. I love creating things and writing lets you not only create a whole world, but you get to take other people along for the ride. I love to tell stories and entertain people. 

Q: Since you’ve started writing and releasing books, what is your favorite part of the process?
A: My favorite part… that is a tough one. I love getting the proof from the printer. Seeing my work for the first time and holding it in my hands is a big thing for me. My husband and I have an agreement that I am not allowed to open the package and look at the proof until we are both home because he knows what a big deal it is for me. Though I also greatly love every time someone tells me they enjoyed a book. It brings me a lot of joy to know that someone liked my work.

Q: Who was/is your favorite author?
A: It really depends on my mood. There are a few authors whose books I read a lot of: Simon R. Green, J.D. Rob, Laurell K Hamilton, Susan Elizabeth Philips are four I can think of off the top of my head.

Q: If there anything you want readers to know about you or your books?
A: I love to hear from readers! I feel I should mention that the three books I have out are three different style. Don’t be surprised by the big style differences.

I want to thank Gretchen again for answering all my questions and taking the time out of her schedule to do so. If you want to keep up with her I will post the links to her social media sites below, as well as where to pick up Hollownton Homicide.

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You can purchase Hollownton Homicide here: For Kindle or For Nook

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